Visions of the Enchanted Mamaki Forest

Upper meadow mamaki grove backed by ohia trees, hapu’u fern and uluhe fern. HFF.2.23

HFF workers midnight hike to Kilauea Crater in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park just 10 minutes down the road to the park entrance. The hike to the crater rim is less than an hour. HFF.2.23

Hawaiians adopted the hibiscus – in all colors — as their official flower in the early 1920s. It wasn't until 1988 that the yellow hibiscus, specifically the Hibiscus brackenridgei was selected as Hawaii's state flower. HFF.10.22

Hapu’u dominates restored forest environment

Upper meadow has at least five varieties of mamaki

Dragonscale mamaki & hapu’u

Maui Pink at Twilight

Olomea & Volcano Red Mamaki
Olomea is another native plant prevalent on HFF Volcano: Similar to mamaki but single central vein whereas mamaki has 3 major veins

Purple Hybrid
The detailed intracacy of the vein structure

Mamaki Tree Rises Above Invasive Ornamental Ginger
Blossoms are gorgeous but are dead here, but rhizomes below sap nutrients from the soil and grow to massive proportions