The Jorax
The Legend of the Jorax, the Guardian of the Forest
The Backstory
The Jorax is an invention of our imagination but it is inspired by an individual.
The true identity of the Jorax is only a secret that visitors to the Enchanted Mamaki Forest can discover!
The Jorax
Grandpa Jorax still recalls when his great-grandfather first told him of procreating with a human and spawning a whole generation of Jorax cousins that now inhabit the Earth.
My boy…. he said at the time… I did not take this step lightly. But the forest needed guardians and not just the Jorax in his native forest, but Jorax of all types in all types of forest.
Now the Jorax face a monumental challenge of restoring the forests of the Earth.
10,000 years ago… 57% of the world’s habitable land … six billion hectares in all… was covered by Forest!
Today barely 4 billion hectares or less than two-thirds of the forests are left!
Are there enough Jorax to restore the delicate balance of biosphere and atmosphere?
Can forest restoration and preservation change the chemistry of the upper troposphere?
Join the Jorax and learn how you can help restore the forest!
Visit the Jorax in the Enchanted Mamaki Forest!
Shake his hand! Embrace his perspective on life, the Earth and the Universe!
The Jorax & Mutualistic Symbiosis
The Jorax doesn't hear the wind, he senses the trees reacting to the wind and channels the power of nature around him.
The Jorax connects to the trees and feels the interconnected network of the underground circulation of life coursing through his mighty legs!
The neurological circuitry of his brain synchronizes with the wavelengths of energy radiating from the root systems of the forest!
And the Jorax exalts in his role as caretaker of the enchanted Mamaki Forest! Not just a caretaker! But a caregiver to the entire ecosystem around him! The Jorax is in his element thriving in mutualistic symbiosis!
The Jorax
The Guardian of the Forest
The Jorax contemplates life, existence and the universe.
Why were we given Consciousness? Are we aware of things that others are not?
I am capable of suffering. Are the animals around us also capable of suffering?
What about the insects? What about the plants? Everything alive has the capability of sensation.
We all have feelings. Are my feelings really deeper and more meaningful than the beasts of the field or the birds of the forest?
The sensation I feel is a reality for me. It must be so for the birds and the beasts!
And if this is so, then so it is for the plants and the fungi and other life-forms connected to the Earth!
So if plants experience sensations and have feelings, can they express themselves?
Can they communicate? And they communicate with each other?
Does the tree transmit waves like our sound waves that enable the grass and the clover and the ferns and the cook pine trees and of course the Mamaki benefit from its wisdom and it's deep perspective and connectedness to the Earth?
If it is so I cannot tell. But I can tell that something is going on underground. Some force is detectable by many of the plants and they can sense my presence. Sometimes I am in the forest and I feel as one with the forest. In other words I feel connected.
I feel I belong. I feel part of it.
I do indeed feel as one with the forest.
I am The Jorax the upholding the tradition of the forest Guardian
and are protective overseer of the forest around us.
So if anyone threatens any harm or poses some danger to the forest…
I have to intervene.
Only as a last resort do I allow the saw or the blade or the scythe or the shovel or indeed the large mechanical objects of modern manhood to run roughshod through the connected network of plant life that has long predated my presence in the forest… and surely the presence of any humanoid creature that dares to disturb the peaceful aura of the forest.
The Big Island of Hawaii features two mighty volcanoes: Mauna Kea & Mauna Loa that rise 14,000 feet into the sky…. and 56,000 feet from the bottom of the ocean. Mauna Kea is the most obvious remaining example of volcanic activity first led to the emergence of the big island some 800,000-900,000 years ago.
My forest guardian duty is to upheld the tradition of my Jorax ancestors and stalk this forest at 4000 ft of elevation on the southeastern side of Mauna Loa on the south end of the big island of Hawaii.
(In April 2018 Kīlauea, the remaining most active of the five volcanoes that continue to form the Big Island of Hawaiʻi, erupted dramatically, wiping out neighborhoods and adding 875 acres of land to the island. Kilauea emerged above sea level about 100,000 years ago.
For I Am The Jorax!
I stand up for the forests!
I am the forest and the forest is me!
More History of the Jorax

Join the Jorax in the Enchanted Mamaki Forest. His home environment is on the big island of Hawaii. Enquire about the next available time to tour.
(And don’t miss the national TV debut on World of Tea!)
Regular Weekly Tours: Wednesdays at 1pm; Fridays at 10am; $44 for 90-minute tour; $22 for students & kids.
Custom Tours: Schedule almost any day by email based on availability:
2-4 visitors $50 each; 5-9 visitors $40 each (students half price); Groups of 10 or more $400
Schedule tours at least 36 hours in advance with jordanwesterholm@gmail.com