tea for you. tea to brew.
Enjoy the taste and health & wellness benefits of Hawaii Forest Farm mamaki tea every day.
Brew yourself and serve hot, room temp or iced: We sell unflavored loose leaf and in bulk.
Five strains of mamaki available: HFF Blend, Volcano Red, Makai Pink, Maui Pink, Mauna Loa Green & Black Magic.
100% pure ‘Volcano-grown’ māmaki leaves
Mamaki is a healthy, caffeine-free tea suitable hot, cold and room temperature with a natural flavor easily complimented.
Two 2-ounce bags
$38 for two 2-oz bags
SERVINGS: 20-30 liters or 80-100 cups if rebrewed
*shipping & handling included in $38 total
8-oz in 2-ounce bags
$66 for 8 oz or four 2-oz bags
8 oz or 1/2 lb. DRIED, LOOSE LEAF MĀMAKI
and two storage bags
*shipping included in $66 total
2lb. & 5lb. bags
Wholesale for Food Service
Sealed in 2 lb. or 5 lb. bags
*available on request. email us for more details.
brew it.
Some tips of the trade from us at HFF based on traditional methods and tested extensively by us and by many of our regular customers.
Drink mamaki as part of a daily consumption as a replacement or compliment to water, or as a replacement to caffeinated beverages, juice, soda or sweetened beverages.
Māmaki tea often takes at least an hour and sometimes overnight to obtain the full strength of the plant material in a liquid infusion. Always use boiling water for best results.
Check out some of our favorite methods for brewing.
Use a large glass vessel. Crumble mamaki thoroughly by hand in the jar, or grind leaf material as much as possible. Pour boiling water, cover and let seep at least a couple hours. Add additional room temperature water to dilute as you wish, or keep in concentrate in the fridge.
Use tea strainer to pour and drink room temperature, iced, flavored or heat on stove or microwave cup-by-cup.
Or try simmering on the stove for an hour or so. This is the suggested method for fresh leaves.
flavor to your taste.
Māmaki tea can be consumed unadulterated and ‘pure’ as a replacement or compliment to water, or on any beverage occasion.
A multitude of flavor combinations can be made and enjoyed hot, room temperature or iced. Sweetners, fruit juices or concentrates, other plant material like lemongrass or mint in leaf form, or ginger or turmeric in root form, or hibiscus in flower form are all used in traditional and contemporary use in Hawaii.
Follow brewing instructions for each potential additives to mamaki tea: Mint for example benefits from drying before brewing to maximize infusion, just like mamaki, so they can be brewed together; Ginger needs to be boiled for 10-20 minutes separately.
Note: Mamaki tea in its unadulterated state, because of the unique properties of the magical plant that is mamaki, can be preserved at cool temperatures for days, but we suggest consumption within two to three days, or refrigeration. The addition of fruit flavors or sweeteners result in the need to refrigerate sooner.
brew for room temperature.
Crumble or completely grind a handful of dried māmaki leaves into a large 2-liter glass jar or brewing vessel. Clear glass preferred to view color & strength of tea. Brewing a concentrate in a smaller jar also works.
Pour 3-4 cups of water boiling water over leaves (or less for concentrate), steep at least an hour to fully steep, preferably in the sun.
Fill the container with room temperature water. Allow time for any leaf fragments not fully infused to absorb and settle at the bottom of vessel.
Continue to dilute final infusion for taste, refilling with more water until no more color or flavor is produced.
View color of tea to gauge strength and dilute as desired. Dried mamaki leaves continue to produce color and flavor with added water and light.
SERVING SIZE: 1/2 cup loose māmaki makes 5-10 liters of tea, but experiment with mamaki and water proportions for your desired strength.
some like it hot.
Put 2 big spoonfuls in the bottom of a teapot.
Pour on boiling water to fill teapot and cover with a tea cozy for 10-20-30 minutes.
Pour and serve as is, or with garnish or flavor as desired.
Keep leaves and add water for room temperature beverage as a replacement to water.
chill out.
Brew using any of our preferred methods above.
Pour over a big glass or clear container of ice.
Serve with garnish like mint leaf, ginger slice, hibiscus blossom or whatever flavor is desired.
2 liters of pure mamaki tea using 10 grams of HFF Volcano Red mamaki
twists on tea.
Mamaki tea can benefit from a little island flavor.
We like to infuse fresh fruit, fruit peel, rinds, husk pulp or juice to give it that subtle twist on tea.
What are some or our favorites?
Try adding your favorite flavors, either while you brew or
add to your serving vessel from your brewing urn as a finishing touch.
Mamaki contains no caffeine.
As a member of the nettle family mamaki has many healthy and medicinal properties.